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The Maine HIV prevention Community Planning Group (CPG) offers this 1999 Comprehensive HIV Prevention Plan to inform the Maine Bureau of Health HIV/STD Program and other stakeholders involved in HIV prevention efforts of the CPG’s recommendations for HIV prevention services in the State of Maine. This is a stand-alone document that supplants the 1996 Maine Comprehensive HIV Prevention Plan, and the subsequent 1997 Update.
The CPG formulates it’s recommendations by examining behavioral science data about effective HIV prevention techniques, and also by studying local and national HIV/AIDS epidemiological data. In addition, the CPG membership is comprised of individuals who come from Maine communities most affected by the epidemic; they bring a wealth of personal knowledge and experience to the planning process.
During the past year, CPG members spent a significant amount of time working in Population Committees. Population Committees exist for each of the prioritized populations, and each CPG member chooses to sit on the Population Committee that corresponds most closely to that member’s background and personal experience. Population Committee work focused on reformulating the description of each prioritized population to make them more accurate, detailed and "user friendly." In addition, Population Committees reformulated and reprioritized recommended HIV prevention interventions for each at-risk population.
The primary change in this year’s Plan involves the revised Population Descriptions and their corresponding prioritized interventions. The Epidemiological Profile for Maine has also been revised and updated. Prioritized populations remain unchanged from last year’s Update. Likewise, most of the other information contained in this document is taken from either the 1996 Plan or the 1997 Update, revisions being made where necessary.
The CPG Plan is revised on an on-going basis. We encourage users to evaluate this document using the "Feedback Form" provided in the Appendix 7 so that suggestions may be incorporated into future versions of the Plan.
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Spring 2000 Update | Links to Prevention
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